The paralysed man in Bethesda

In the 40 days – course Lisa  Natoli wrote about the story in the Bible about the paralyzed man at the pool of Bethesda – how Jesus heard his story about his life long paralysis, and (probably) said “Your story does not impress me.” – I once – some 15-20 years ago – participated in a Bibliodrama-course with the great Doris Immich, where this story was played out. I volunteered to explore the role of the paralysed man, and boy did that role feel close to “me.” I don’t remember how the healing took place – I guess I could not accept that at that time – but I do remember the woman who played Jesus, and how the energy around “her” was unlike anything I ever have experienced. I could hardly breathe, and knew I was in the Presence of Christ. The tears were flowing and did not stop.
Now I am much more willing to not be impressed by my own story of suffering.

The mind that serves the Holy Spirit is unlimited forever, in all ways, beyond the laws of time and space, unbound by any preconceptions and with strength and power to do whatever it is asked. Attack thoughts cannot enter such a mind because it has been given to the source of Love and fear can never enter a mind that has attached itself to Love. It rests in God –  and who can be afraid who lives in innocence and only loves. 

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