I am not a Tarantula

I just added this to my chapter “Ghost” in When Fear Comes Home to Love. “Ghost” is all about the archetype of Primal Fear – and ways I have learned to defuse it, through spiritual work and work with my patients and students  since 1988.


‘Deep pain in the chest:

I don’t want to be seen! I hate you! Go away! I will kill you!

I am sitting with lesson 125 in the Course“In quiet I receive God’s Word today” – and I hear: “ These are the voices of the guardians you created around the little Leelah-identity. In her worst moments, out of deep guilt and shame that she told herself that she WAS, she cried out inside her self: “Hide me! I MUST NOT BE FOUND!” Guilt was speaking – and she was fusing with the guilt, identifying with it – and when she cried out from this fear-identity, fear-creatures/entities came and told her “we will protect you – if you will allow us to use you.”

Of course she took that offer of protection – and the entities used her as their source of food or energy.”

I know this is true with all of me. I speak: “I am the source of this. I judge you not. I extend forgiveness to myself for what I have made.” I ask Michael and his army for help to guide these entities back to where they came from, and as I say this, I am shown that I have attracted these false protectors in all the body’s openings – by calling for them, they have come. Fear called for fear and darkness, and called from darkness – identifying with darkness/guilt/shame.

In this NOW, I am listening to God: “Now breathe into that heart-space. It is open now.” And then it happens: I see a black silky Tarantula leg hesitantly moving out – I feel terror – and realize in the same second that this has been the very symbol for fear for me – as for so many. “Beloved Leelah, you are not a spider,” I tell her – and gradually the heart space warms up, and I see her: scared and confused – but freed from the spell and fusing.

“Be patient” says Blue. “There are many layers here. The nervous system will need some time to adjust, the old habits and beliefs will try to re-attach themselves – you have believed this to be YOU for almost 70 years. From now on, we ask you to intend to recognize the old patterns when they come – and for you to realize it is only an echo, and that you can let go of it.”

When I was 11 years old, I was taking ballet-classes – and I still remember some of the steps in an Italian Tarantula I danced – with a Tambourine, and a light blue short dress

Going out in the sun now

The power to (mis)create

There was a clear shift in my sleeping-pattern for some days – and then I took a glass of red wine for dinner, and bam I was back in doom and gloom. Much of that doom came from my own judgment of taking that glass – oh I shouldn’t have – yes I should, since I have had a great opportunity to watch my mind going into paroxysms of guilt and selfblame, and have truly experienced how scared the me-mind is  to lose its identity. I saw clearly the split parts: the nice and clever girl practicing the Course, and the hating suffering part still feeling exiled. After this I had a dream about having received 2 pretty Salmons for dinner – and they were not still dead, so I had to cut the their throat. I did, reluctantly – hating the killing part – and woke up, feeling that it was my throat that was cut. What a huge shock that was, and the pain – indescribable.

Was it the suffering-me-identity that was killed?

When the doomandgloom woke me up this morning, I called for help as always, and as the alignment with Truth gradually happened, I was shown that I have used the unlimited power to create, given me by God, to seemingly create the seemingly opposite of God – to truly explore it in all its variety, and also deeply experience the consequences of it. What is clear to me right now is that there CAN*T BE ANY OPPOSITE TO GOD . Is there truly WAS a REAL opposite, LOVE could be disputed- God would’nt be God.

I have truly experienced the effect of that belief in countless incarnations, and the Universe – the screen for my projections – has faithfully played it out to me, so very convincingly. But it is seen clearly that an opposite to God is impossible –  it is only a ridiculous idea, that I offer up for correction.

When I have dressed for the day, I get an impulse to call my doctor for a check on my thyroxine-level – and I hear: when you call the doctors office and are answered at the first signal, you can be certain that you do this WITH Me.”

Ha. I have been a patient there for 15 years, and use to sit and wait to be connected to the nurse for about 1/2 hour each time. They have an endless answering-message in the start too.

I call.There is one short beep and the nurse answers me.

I am flabbergasted.I order an appointment, and she tells me the waiting list is long. I don’t accept that at all, tell her that I need to check my thyroxine, and get an appointment in 3 days


Here is some lines from the introduction to the Course:

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.

This is how A Course in Miracles begins. It makes a fundamental distinction between the real and the unreal; between knowledge and perception. Knowledge is truth, under one law, the law of love or God. Truth is unalterable, eternal and unambiguous. It can be unrecognized, but it cannot be changed. It applies to everything that God created, and only what He created is real. It is beyond learning because it is beyond time and process. It has no opposite; no beginning and no end. It merely is.

The world of perception, on the other hand, is the world of time, of change, of beginnings and endings. It is based on interpretation, not on facts. It is the world of birth and death, founded on the belief in scarcity, loss, separation and death. It is learned rather than given, selective in its perceptual emphasis, unstable in its functioning, and inaccurate in its interpretations.

From knowledge and perception respectively, two distinct thought systems arise which are opposite in every respect. In the realm of knowledge no thoughts exist apart from God, because God and His Creation share one Will. The world of perception, however, is made by the belief in opposites and separate wills, in perpetual conflict with each other and with God. What perception sees and hears appears to be real because it permits into awareness only what conforms to the wishes of the perceiver. This leads to a world of illusions, a world which needs constant defence precisely because it is not real.

When you have been caught in the world of perception you are caught in a dream. You cannot escape without help, because everything your senses show merely witnesses to the reality of the dream. God has provided the Answer, the only Way out, the true Helper. It is the function of His Voice, His Holy Spirit, to mediate between the two worlds. He can do this because, while on the one hand He knows the truth, on the other He also recognizes our illusions, but without believing in them. It is the Holy Spirit’s goal to help us escape from the dream world by teaching us how to reverse our thinking and unlearn our mistakes. Forgiveness is the Holy Spirit’s great learning aid in bringing this thought reversal about. However, the Course has its own definition of what forgiveness really is just as it defines the world in its own way.




I recently an encounter with my neighbor – ca 85 years old.She vehemently refuses to receive assistance from health care, and is very frail – just does everything herself/alone. So I was there and tried to explain how preferable it would be to accept care in her home, instead in an institution – and this were when she screamed that I was dangerous and a murderer and GO! GO! and I went

I have thought myself to be a murderer when I was a bout 6 years old- really nasty traumas – and so I could use this and forgive. But the story just grew and grew, including the paranoia – she told me that she would tell all our neighbor how terrible i was – THAT was part of an old story too.
A Course friend gave me a session, which helped a bit – but the old stories became stronger and stronger, and just one hour ago I sat bawling and felt my feelings and gave them up and asked to see the truth.

I saw that these feelings of guilt were collective. I was willing to not take it personal – I sat with it, with this decision, and in that precise moment the doorbell rang.

It was my kind neighbor Ian who told me my old neighbor had went to the mall yesterday and fallen, and been taken to the hospital. My neighbors wife had just visited her, and she(the old one) asked her to give me a ton of thanks and greetings

That’s when i knew the old story was healed

Just writing this feels like standing in a shower

Now I can with a full heart – being absolutely certain – give up the old story: it is all been forgiven and released

There is no death. The Son of God is Free

Had a lot of resistance yesterday. Noticed it while it happened – judged it – yuck. Dreams with failing connection to taxis that should bring me home

Let me remember that I am Home, and that ego/me cannot come Home

Session with Kit yesterday:

We find out how vital it is to NOT come too late to our session: not let “anything else” prevent us from meeting up, fresh, rested, prepared. I notice that I often go to my mail right before we start – I think I have to deal with it before our session to save time, “I’ll only…” I tell myself – bullshit – oh the pain right under the Crown Chakra when I believe this stress-thought. I actually seem to believe it is VERY important to get that mail done right then.

It is not important AT ALL. It is absurd

NO: I need to sit and breathe and be present, to honor my connection with glorious Kit and the glorious work we do together – and I prepare for it by just sitting and being.

Now ego is telling me that I use up too much space here with all these spaces and line-shifts – let me just realize that I have boundless space at my disposal.

I want to share with Peter how important for me it is to speak out – and how strong brakes there are on that. This is what I am going to do, Peter – that gives me grounding.

We are sharing stressed situations with clients – and exploring what happens when instead of sitting with it as it is NOW, we try to “deal” with it: it creates guilt, shame and judgments. We feel we are being painted into a corner when we do not have a solution. It creates desperation. “I don’t know any way out of this stuck place!” we say and try to DO something – but just recognizing the blind alley IS the way out – to stay there and WATCH IT. Kit sees an image now: some “green doors that seem to be good ones to go through – but they are pitfalls – you go through and you lose your footings.Then there is a feeling of burning under my feet if I stay – but that is a purification.I see how meaningful it is to just BE with the unsolved situation.”

Allow the “push to fix” to rest – allow the solution to come organically. It will come, when we don’t judge

Kit says: It is Heaven to BE with it – and Hell to try to fix it and be the one who fixes it.

I take a quick trip out of the room to tape a radio program. The first words I hear the announcer say, is: “ A journey through the Heavens – but also through pitch-black Hell.”


Today, 5.July -2014

I am working with this lesson 163 in the Course: Death is a thought which takes on many forms, often unrecognized. It may appear as sadness, fear, anxiety or doubt; as anger, faithlessness and lack of trust; concern for bodies, envy, and all forms in which the wish to be as you are not may come to tempt you. All such thoughts are but reflections of the worshipping of death as savior and as giver of release. A Course in Miracles; Lesson 163 – There is no death. The Son of God is Free

Death is the separation thought: that I CAN be without God.

I was listening to Lisa’s audio this morning on week 17 in our training program. I had strong pains in the left side of the body, realized that they were an impossibility in reality, that they were my creation from an identification with ego – and suddenly the mp3 player stopped transmitting sounds. I fiddled with it for a minute and remembered that this means that right now I need to do nothing: just BE with the resistance that is manifesting as this electronic block to listening. I recalled two days ago when both lawn movers died on me- the electricity worked, but not the machines. I realized the sign and just stopped trying to fix it.

Then I fell asleep and dreamed, and when I woke up, it felt important to remember it. I asked for help, relaxed and got nothing. I then listened to the now functioning mp3 player, and came to the place where it had zonked out: Lisa said “ the only appropriate reaction to a Son of God is appreciation.”

AH! Lightening! I realized that I had judged myself when it stopped – just as I had judged myself and the situation when my lawnmowers had stopped working.

Now I instantly approved of myself  -patted my shoulders, stroke my cheeks, talked loving to myself. And NOW I remembered the dream! I could not hear BLUE as long as I was angry at myself and judged myself – as long as I chose fear, Love is not available. The anger was invisible – as long as I identified with it.

The dream showed me in the common state of returning Home – and once again I had too much luggage, and I could not find it. I found only one small rucksack – WHITE – it contained a water bottle and another essential items on the journey: a small journal and pen. All was shining new.

(My old red rucksack is 55 years old, people – time for a new white one!)

Dream-Leelah did not understand that the new white rucksack IS hers. But I do. And there are delicate drawings in it: It points  me to do drawing again each day. I just finished yesterday a big art-project that has taken ½ year, and yesterday I received in my mailbox a book I ordered some months ago:

The awakened eye: A companion volume to The Zen of seeing, seeing/drawing as meditationby Frederick Franck(1979)

Excellent timing once again.

I will draw small things – details: snails. Straw. Grass. Flowers. Twigs. Seeds!

And now – connected to the Self with Joy and gratitude – does the pain seep out, seen as an impossible idea.

And it came back – and I know it is an impossibility from the Place I rest in – so it goes again. And then there is the thought “but what if -“and it returns – could it be clearer? It comes back because I just gave power to the belief of the possibility of “what if -.”

I created it by believing in its possibility.

ALL the power rest in me – what do I choose? What do I WANT TO choose?

The mind cannot oppose Truth and God, but it CAN pretend it is sleeping. Today I will observe where I go asleep – and chose again

Crossing the bridge

Two dreams:

1) I am inside a BIG room in the University, where I have been attracting a lot of people lately – in harmony.

In the other end of the room are two entrances. An immense man stands there with a gun: “I will shoot you all!” My thoughts are not so much that I may be shot, as how will I get past him and out? I DO get out, and from the second I am safe, I start yelling HELP with a strong and clear voice.

As soon as I wake up I start noticing that Jesus is WITH me. I look calmly at the image of the raging man and forgive him as my own creation, now choosing Love.


I am now living in a huge complex with countless others – room 12.

NUMBER 12   http://numerology-thenumbersandtheirmeanings.blogspot.no/2011/05/number-12.html

Charismatic, self-reliant, fun-lover, good singer.

The number 12 is related to Pisces. The Tarot card is The Hanged Man.  It represents the completed cycle of experience and when an individual reincarnates as the number 12 they have completed a full cycle of experience and learned of the possibility of regeneration toward a higher consciousness.  They belong to a group of developed souls who have accumulated an unusual inner strength through many and varied lifetimes.  They may still, however, be hindered by old habits that need to be changed.  The soul then attracts what it needs as a learning experience.  A reversal of negative thoughts can bring about very favourable and positive

effects, and can aid in achieving their goals and aspirations.

Number 12 warns of the necessity to be alert to every situation, to be suspicious of those who offer a high position and carefully analyse it, and to be aware of false flattery and those who use it to gain their own ends.  Number 12 represents the educational process on all levels, the submission of the will required and the sacrifice necessary to achieve knowledge and wisdom on both Spiritual and Intellectual levels.  When the intellect is sacrificed to the feelings, the mind will be illuminated with the answers it seeks.  Attention paid to requirements of education will end suffering and bring success.


Important information for me!

I notice entering a Doctor’s office, bringing my duvet with me – I am let in in front of many people in the waiting room. I am teaching a little boy in the room, 9 years or so, how to transform his past with storytelling, inviting the story fairies to help him. I tell this to the two nurses in the room too, they all listen eagerly and respectfully. Then I leave the 3 persons to do as they have been instructed, and I return to my room via a long bridge. To the left is a high fence, to the right a precipice. It takes a second or too to recognize that where I walk may take me to safety or right into the abyss.

On the left side I am walking with Jesus. On the right I walk “all by myself.”

When I have crossed the long bridge from the Doctor’s office – the healing place – to the complex /the collective ego-pattern/ the room 12 is right there, door open – but it belongs to another girl. I ask her permission to cross it to get to the corridor where my room 12 is, and get it. I find my room.

After a little pause I am back at the Doctor’s Office. I am leaving the complex now. The little boy that before was dumb and very very angry, now looks at me, transformed, and smiles. My suggestion helped.

This little boy is connected to that angry man in the first dream.

For the first time in my practice with the Course, the last days it has been easy to surrender the old habits described in the numerology-piece. I just notice them, recognize they are my creation in “separation-mode,” I forgive them and me, take a step back and leave it to Holy Spirit.




Unraveling stories


Ley Tog is demonstrating how to do the forgiveness process lately on Facebook, and I am playing with it in bed this morning:

I have had a recurring annoying thing happening to me: The Post sending stuff I order on the web to a pick-up address I can’t get to. Well, I can, but it will take me 4 buses and a lot of waiting. It is the closest pick-up place -but only if I fly. And I have not been able to correct this via my computer OR phone.

What is the pattern here?

I have ordered with the holy will and power that God gave me – to have huge blocks between what Leelah-child wanted and ordered. I have wanted and ordered blocks, lack, loss and limitation.

What does this remind me of in the past?

I/the Leelah in the dream/wanted abuse and rape to be acknowledged by my parents

She wanted the pain to be seen and acknowledged and not judged and ignored

She wanted to be believed – to be trusted that what she told them was true and had happened to her.

Truth is – I wanted, and ordered WITH the awesome power God has given us, to experience and live through these stories, and to use them to wake me up.

They have 🙂

While I am here in the unraveling process, I notice that my left nostril is completely blocked. I remember all the times with sinusitis and pain and antibiotics and doctors when I was child – and in particular one time when a doctor pushed, with great force and sadism in my perception, a metal rod with cotton wool with some stingy fluid on into my left nostril “to allow the pus to come out.”

It make a cracking sound. I thought it had broken into the brain, and sat waiting for death

I was 11 years old, I was there alone, and true to my own programming, I did not make a sound.

Just as I did not make a sound during the abuse or rapes – I was never “there” for myself. Now, psychologically, that was a good choice THEN – splitting off – since acquiring all the experiences in this life was adamant for my waking up from the illusion that any of it was God-created/God-affirmed.

I forbade any sound and sign of suffering to be heard – I forbade any comfort and love – WHY?

They all did what you wanted them to do. In the moment when the Son – you and everyone created in God’s likeness – had the tiny mad idea that it was possible to create outside of God – and that you even wanted to check this out – you went for it full blast, my love – lifetime after lifetime with playing all the victim-roles – and let’s not forget the other part of the coin: the inquisitioners, the torturists, the sadists, the abusers.*

Ah yes. All of that.

Exactly. All of that. You have – and everybody who reads this- already played out all the roles and had all the experience necessary of doing ANYTHING at all as a seemingly separated being. Enough already -don’t you think?

Definitely enough.

So the only reason there still seem to be suffering is that you still keep a belief alive that says suffering could be true and real.

The left nostril is slowly unblocking itself

I am allowing the bodily sensations to fully be there, looking with Jesus, and just now, writing about it, a deeper level of pain in the left sinus arises – the whole left side of my body seems to be involved. I invite it all to peak, and hear that this will peak many times – “in degrees possible to bear”. Deep gratefulness and relief.

What excellent creators we have been: whatever role we have chosen to explore within the separation realm we have explored to the fullest, and then picked “actors” to play out what we need to experience – whatever we have chosen, getting the knowledge and understanding we need to wake up from the belief that it happened in reality – outside of the dream of separation we created.

This is a dream of my own choice, and everybody is showing me parts of my self I still haven’t seen and forgiven. And the only reason I could not forgive and forget, was because I thought that God had anything to do with it, that it somehow was His Will that I be punished and punished some more.

What a hoot! As if God could do and be anything else than Love!

What a hoot that I or anyone “else” could be anything else than Love – we are ever only encountering what we still haven’t seen through and forgiven – and SMILED TO, recognizing that we are dreaming.

As long as I still believe in guilt, I will have a body that feels pain. But the Course reminds me that the pain is only in the mind: and so is this dream-world where I experience all the variations of god-and-lovelessness that the wrong mind thunk up.


I just looked at the newspaper. For the first time in my life I was not drawn into “the drama of the poor unjustly treated.” There is only One Mind – the dreaming seems to happen in a part of it. What I am looking at, is myself in all my roles – believing it to be Real and Truth. And such suckdom.

Looked at with Truth – Jesus – I have done it all and been it all and what I really am NOW is Home, looking at it, marveling, laughing at ever taking it seriously.

How utterly insane this world is. Right now, seen through with a Love that is without a seer.

I recognize the many times I have been here – and realize that each time it becomes more real to me, and the illusion becomes more dreamlike. I will be vigilant for ego thoughts and recognize them as lies – and give thanks for each experience that shows me where I still judge and identify.

Holy Father and Mother, writing the last, strong piercing pains shoot up in the left nostril, I sneeze and there is more light around me.


One minute after finished this, a dishonest comment on a Forum sent me swoop back into judgment.

What a relief to notice that this time there are no reproaches about that: just another opportunity to find the false perception and ask for correction. My attraction to ego is dissolving so sweetly

*That formatting happened on itself when I copied and pasted from Word. Nice touch,Blue:)


Ticket Home


I am with a group of 2 women, it is night, we are stumbling into a group of “derelicts.” I lose sight of the other 2, and manage my way through this group. They are bone tired, most of them drugged. – I remember that I saw a short interview yesterday with a definitely drugged person, and because of NOT reminding myself that I was seeing a dream, (in Course-meaning,) I got this night-dream. And that was for good:) By noticing how I was maneuvering through the night – with kindness and very little fear – I now realize how much of this “dangerous men on outlook for rape victims” – theme  is now healed.

One of the young men told me he wanted to kiss me, but Dream-Leelah said ” I just want to do this” and stroked his cheek ever so gently.

Oh – his face melted 🙂

Then I was on the train back home – Home – and did not find my paper-ticket. The Conductor told me they had to have it – and I told them to look it up on their computer – there they would find that they had sold it to me.

Oh that was some ticket, boys and girls: In Technicolor, standing diagonally and large on the screen, slowly and majestically revolving around itself in all its majesty.

They bowed and smiled


I choose to be happy


My entrance-light has the last 2 years been operated by Jesus:) It has sensors and turns itself on when daylight vanes. When the light turns off when it is dark outside, I know it signals that something in me has lost the connection to light. Then I stand in front of it and ask, what do I need to see/hear here? Yesterday what came up was “I choose to be happy.” And there was a definitive shift inside: before I have had a belief that my choice for love and happiness has no effect – “I am doomed” was the litany in my mind – but yesterday, the light went on immediately.

It was quite dark outside, and I took a walk in the summer night. I noticed that my energy was vastly different: – everything IS perfect. I am NOT separate. Oh my God – my choice DOES have an effect!

There was Oneness with all. The apple trees were blooming, I went to the flowers and sucked their scent into me – the Deva of the Apple Tree flowed into me and blessed me. I walked a little round around the block. There was a newly planted bed of white daffodils, and I picked one. There was a strange sky; on the one side it was dark and ominous – on the other side it was kind and light and summery. I was being with these two variations of sky and included them, looking at the dark variety with wonder and innocence, as Jeshua is recommending we do in “Way of the Heart.” Then, suddenly there was a strange-looking very short man walking down the path near my house – his energy was erratic. He had a strange helmet on his head and his walk was jarred. He did not see me at all, even though I was standing in the middle of an open field. I felt an inner warning: “He is unpredictable.” And I was so aware: he did not see me. In earlier days, I was a fly-paper to such characters.

I stood in peace and took in the change. “God – I really choose to be happy.”

I went home and to bed, and had this dream:

I am in a tram with a crowd of passengers, and there is an absolutely relentless man blocking me, with a ton of hatred, contempt and disgust of me and of what I believe in. The energy around him carried the same energy as the two attacks on my house this last year – which are veiled attacks on me.I cried out to the other passengers, “Please help me – take this man away from me!” and immediately woke up.

This archetype of violence is thoroughly described in my book in the right menu: “When Fear Comes Home to Love,” with case-stories and autobiography.

I woke up, and hear myself saying: “I am not moving from this place until you show me your innocence.” Ah. He is my creation – created by unconscious guilt and fear. I went back into the dream, and he disappeared as if he was never there.

In the Course’s view, the ego’s view of God – in its upside-down perception of everything – is this monster who is out to hunt us down. And I am one of the billions who recreate this image in the form of crazy fathers and rapists and torturers in the world, so I can justify “being” the innocent victim and place my unconscious guilt outside on crazy men. In the ego’s perception, you are either innocent or guilty.

As said early in this post – now I was invisible to such a man – and I truly believe it was my choice for happiness that raised my vibrations to a such level that I was invisible to him.

I see the tremendous power God has given His Holy Son: whatever we hold as true becomes real for us in the dream we are dreaming and directing from Mind beyond time and space.

Immediately after this realization, the body started acting up with huge cramps. It felt like acidic balls of brownish hatred passing through my lower legs, and although the pain was remarkably strong, I felt gratitude: “This is my creation; it can never harm Who I am. It is leaving now.”

I am not willing to see this creation as valuable one more second. The creation has been fueled by my unwillingness to be happy.

In this moment I see the dream quality of this creation. My Self can not be harmed. The cramps changes and become electric fireworks.

If there had been no physical attacks on this house, I doubt that I would have found this pattern in the mind and been willing to release it.

Dear God, I am willing to let you take care of me now



The Cage

Cartoon by Michael Leunig

Could there be a more wonderful and truthful illustration of what the Course names the world?

And fun too – the door is open –

Please visit

http://www.leunig.com.au/ for more enjoyment



Thoughts about role-playing and our Divine Choice

Thoughts about role-playing….to my readers, and to  dear Neil whom I soon will have a Skype-session with ( please notice the new Services-page.)

In reality, we humans love each other. We love each other so much that we agree to take on obnoxious roles, so that we during our incarnation are being given the lessons we need to see through the dream and wake up. And it’s like at the restaurant: we are not served food that we have not ordered.We have used the infinite Power that God gave us, to order scenarios: I chose to explore abuse,violence and insanity – and I ordered it to come in a mix with artistic mastery,musicality and a sense of authority.Through his effect on me, I was forced to deal with the consequences that  all victims have in common – fear-patterns and the archetypes they constitute.

You can read the results in “When fear comes home to Love” in the right menu.

The real gift was having to find the only thing that could heal it for good: TRUTH, and its companion radical forgiveness, as A Course in Miracles teaches it.

Without my father’s role in my family, I would not be free. Without your family – and wife – being exactly as they are, you would not be given the gift of going through this tough period, and learning about the patterns it has presented for you.

I’d like you to set the intention for the session: What do you really really want to come out of it – to the benefit of everyone involved? What does your heart yearn for? What is the feeling you want to have after the session?

We are coming together in the name of Christ, our Holy Self., to allow Him/It to work through us.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18-:20. You are invited to set the intention to give the process of this release and healing completely in H.S’s hands – and intend that you wake up the morning after, feeling happy, knowing that the healing has been done – just because you asked for it. Now your part is to trust the process, and trust your inner Guide.

Jesus tells us in the Course that it is all about joining. So your healing benefits me too – and the rest of humanity. Any healing pattern in the One Mind is available to us all.

I’d invite you to also release any doubts, like there are degrees in difficulties when it comes to your theme for healing – any belief that you need to know specific details in order for this to work.

Remember – healing is instantaneously. In fact, it has already happened by your willingness, says the Course. It is only psychologically that we have to tell each other all the things we things we need the other to hear and have the other validate them. Nothing wrong about that – but it presupposes that time is real.

I also intend to have lots of fun and laughs 🙂





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Please note that nothing written here is intended as medical advice. Readers who think that they need help with a physical or psychological condition are advised to seek a qualified opinion.