Chinese Haute de Couture – and Avalance


I am driving through China in a wretched old rattletrap, together with a master Seamstress of Haute de Couture and her little child, about 2 year old. The child speaks Norwegian, because she is a genius 😊. As always, these little children I dream of are miracles, like the Jesus-child.

I am not sure if the seamstress or a nameless chauffeur is driving.
We come to a place where there has been an avalanche, the road is broken. It seems to be since long ago.There is water there in the bottom of the ravine– green/clear brown water where one can see right through it to the bottom. The little child sees everything as a great adventure.
We get out and watch it.
I have two haute de couture dresses in the van, bought ( or probably given) from the genius-seamstress. I may have done her a favor, and the dresses are her thankyous. They are extremely beautiful and expensive. I can’t have bought them, but they belong to me. The color of one – both? light yellow-mustard mousseline, utterly feminine and delicate, Chinese/Indian-looking


I would love suggestion for dream meaning! What would this suggest, if it was YOUR dream? feel free to ruminate 🙂

(This is an unrestored Ford pickup truck in Eastern PA.)

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