Big Surprise

Today, more on play and creativity –
(preparing the scared and reluctant ones for the “Dragon and Princesses”-online course that starts January 1 2018 on Facebook)

here is a short demonstration of play that transforms:

Think of a word. I’ll demonstrate. * Devil.” ( Fear: oh noo!) Oh yes: it comes for reason, Leelah – and that’s what you can lead this course: you trust the process, and demonstrate what will happen when the course participants receive words they immediately will want to reject.

Okey then, lets play and see what comes:
Once upon a time there was a little devil who lived on a mountaintop all by himself. It was dreary and dull, nobody to bug and scare, just wonderful views wherever he saw.

So he uttered a minuscule HELP ME, and there, he sank right down into the top and down-down down, and around him were nothing but angels and laughter and whatever he did and yelled and cursed, there was nothing but giggles, they simply did not take him seriously.

So he started to swear a lot, and the angels immediately played with that,”fuck fluck fickety suck cluck cluckcluck” and there was hens all around him! ” Satan!” he yelled, and the angels went ” satan platan tomaten weights-a-ton – haten daten peyton Place!!!”
“screw you!” he yelled, and the angels came quite near and tickled him and sang “screw you, lulu, honeyhonylulu toodle toodle doo!”

So he started to giggle too, and the cutest little angel wings sprouted from his former black and nubby body

and frankly, that was end of him.

(And right now – believe it or not – my new and expensive security program declared ” End of the program.”

Comments received with joy

The Next Step

Yesterday, Jennifer McLean showed us this in a teleclass:

“I need to figure out the next step…what do do-“

These thoughts are exactly what brings us into trouble.

It is the mind talking to itself – trying to do what it is not equipped to do alone. It tries to keep itself in command – staying in a condition of contraction, fear and control.

Sense deeply into this “need:” – there is desperation there.

Just notice what happens in the mechanism of your universe when you say “ I need!”

What if – play with me here: what if there was nothing to figure out?

PRETEND how that would feel. Bliss – instant freedom. When we stop trying to “figure out” – we see that there is nothing to figure out,  and the part of you that has the blueprint and the plan can come in.

So what is called for here, is just to allow – allow the situation to be exactly as it is – and more important – allow it to FEEL exactly as it is. Check it out: when we allow that, we are connected to our Self – the part that Knows. The I suddenly know: Oh! The universe is already working for me – conspiring for my highest good here.

Just notice what happens in your universe when you are in allowing: what happens is that things fall into place. – When we fall back into “yes but bloody HOW do I do this -“ – there is desperation again – and there is no sane answer there.

So when I feel this “ I need to figure this out” again – it is an opportunity to go into allowing again.

Craig Hamilton just had a teleclass where he talked about our *evolutionary Self’*  that loves change and upsets  because it knows that is where expansion happens. So just notice and enjoy it 🙂

So just look at what your mind is doing – it will be a very familiar pattern – and move into allowing it to be like that now.

Jennifer told us to take a step backward when we notice the desperation escalating – all the way back to Where we were just before coming into incarnation:  and we felt: there is only Love there. Put the Love Jacket on and come back here, and allow the Voice from your Knowing – that Jeshua in A Course in Miracles calls “The Right Mind” – to talk to you. When you relax and allow, the impulses will come to you – and allow you to see what the next step would be.What if the answer you are seeking will just show up within the next 48 hours?

Yes it will. I recently had an email telling me that the IRS of USA needed me to fill in a tax report again, and also another form. I immediately fell into panic – how will I be able to understand these papers without anybody explaining hem to me?

I knew I as in panic and put my love jacket on, allowing the dreadful feeling of pure panic to exist – and then I asked for help to see all of this differently.

Next day I wanted to fill the papers out – online – and felt the same panic. I reminded myself that this was a growth opportunity and told myself that I would fill them out even if I was panicky – at least, I would open them and do my very best.

What happened was this: I went through the procedure – and I remembered I had taken screen shots of the correct answers earlier – so I had those in the background. That made me feel safe enough to go through them again, I remembered what to fill in where – and then came the wonder: the last paper that I dreaded the most, was already filled out automatically with the information  I just had given.

Except one thing: I was not able to sign it electronically.

Panic again – nope, putting the love jacked on, breathing: ask for support.

They will call me tomorrow 🙂


Please note that nothing written here is intended as medical advice. Readers who think that they need help with a physical or psychological condition are advised to seek a qualified opinion.