The Scull in the Theater

A Course in Miracles – a Non-Dualistic teaching – tells us that the world is a dream, and we are dreaming in up – and we are playing all the roles too. We do this to have all kind of experience – since our soul loves experience and loves to learn from it.

My work life was in the Theater – I created stage-and costume-design, was assistant director and translated plays for puppetry.

So my dreams are vital pointers for me. This is the latest one – after several months of mental  confusion and unpleasantness  after an operation in the intestine.

In the dream I was IN my Self all the time – knowing this WAS a dream. I just observed the actions while they happened, intensely moved, and amused by it all.

I was with a WONDERFUL assembly of people – I think they were social workers –  and we had together written and staged a play where the mail role was a SCULL.

In the first production my husband and I staged for The Norwegian Theater, a big shining scull played an important part as DESTINY. This was a play where objects floated through air – “Black Theater.” The actors were covered in black velvet from top to toes, and the objects/puppets were  placed in a “gate of light” on the stage.

Right now, in the dream, I am sitting in the audience and looking down at an actor with a puppet or prop two rows in front of me – it is a scull. The scull is intensely attractive and beautiful and delicate to me – and funny: right now, the actor makes the Scull bites him in the ear – “Listen, you! Pay attention to me!”

So this is an invitation to laugh – I am asked to see through the illusion of death. And to LISTEN.

Meaning: yes of course horrors happen here in the world – meaning the world of illusion, but in the REAL WORLD they are seen as props, used to give the soul experience. And in each experience, ac. to A Course in Miracles, we have a choice: look with love or fear.

So in the dream I am now paying attention to me dreaming this – I am lucid. And ACIM teaches that in reality, there are only two states of mind: LOVE – and FEAR. Fear is the realm of the egoic mind – the mind that perceives itself a separate from its Loving Source.

My mind is now ordering a translucent scull/ object of death and illusion/ to lovingly nib his maker’s earlobe. Hey you. This is a dream. Pay attention the teaching.

Awake now, I thank my main spiritual guide – Anna- and she says, Leelah, YOU made this creation – I am just sitting here, laughing my head off. (My spiritual leaders  are  very straightforward. )

Photo Source: Photo by Kyle Head on Unsplash

About Poetry

In today’s world, especially in times of pandemics, how much do you think there is also a need for poetry?
Can’t be estimated. Always 100%.
In poetry, what exactly does the form and content mean?
The content is what the poet wants to share with me – the form is the way s/he does it – what it means is up to me – I think –

Is poetry a form of spirituality?
The Highest.
What is the poetry under darkening skies?
The hope that the darkened skies is not the ultimate reality
What will become the death of poetry?
Nothing can stop poetry. Maybe there could be an insane poetry-hater-dictator, but the poetry would just go clandestine
In today’s world, especially in times of pandemics, how much do you think there is also a need for poetry?
Poetry would be a way that we could breathe deeper without catching the bacteria.Maybe even turning our experience with the bacteria into wild and beautiful poems.
In poetry, what exactly does the form and content mean?
It means something in the way it will interact with our soul
Is poetry a form of spirituality?
The highest
Are Night Stalkers airborne?
Who is asking?
Can you describe yourself in poetry form?
A giggler with a kind of clownish costume – and around her, a multitude of putties are giggling too – and this giggling is holding the whole Universe –
What are some good examples of difficult, cryptic poetry?
If I would give an example here, it wouldn’t be REAL cryptic, would it
Are airborne units elite?
In Norway, they are not
What are the forms of poetry?
Inside – outside, up- down and diagonal – and then, there are these cryptic kinds of poetry that are really an abuse of poetry ItSelf – they are zigzagging, and just describing them make me sick

What is the highest form of poetry?
The ones with very few words where you just go OHHH because what you experience is so VASTLY beyond words. Like God

Is any mail airborne?
Well, BORNE is maybe not the most accurate word for it –
Why does no one realize that poetry is dying or already almost dead?
Well, the ones who “realize” this are very sick indeed and they need poetry to wake them up, but the sickness is their hanging on the belief that poetry is for wussies
Is airborne mold dangerous?
Of course it is, you moron
Can EOD be airborne?
That depends on the meaning of EOD. There is SUCH a variety. We all know that.

You Shall Have No Other Gods But Me

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”


As a human being, I hear this SHALT as “You SHALL, OR ELSE!!”

There is a deep and terrible threat in it: I will punish you if you don’t.

This fear is profound in me – its energy lays between me and all that is kind and good and forgiving – my Self, made in God’s image.

As a Course student, I am committed to find everything I have placed between me and LOVE, or  me and my Divine Nature – I am asked to forgive my own creations. Which is the Course’s way of describing everything I experience and live through.

If I see you as evil and wrong, it is because I have placed a perception of evil and wrong upon you – and you are acting it out. With blessing I can heal the perception: “I bless you in your integrity, in your innermost eternal Light, in your holiness, in your willingness to heal and wake up and remember who you are.” Yes- the acts may be heinous – and the person acting them out is far away from his Knowing who he is, in his essence- but as I am willing to remembering it FOR her/him, his soul will pick it up.


I was going by a quaint little train from a valley up in the mountains. There were tourists there from all over the world. There were no seat-tickets. I found myself sitting crammed into a crook with a German family with a 5- and 3-year-old. The three-year-old was sitting across from me and took his pleasure in kicking my shins (tibia?) hard and rhythmically. I looked at the parents and asked them to stop their child – they looked incredulous.

And I remembered a sentence from A Course in Miracles: when I see others as bad or mean, say inwardly “ Holy Son of God, give me your blessing.”

Pointing me in the direction to change my perception of them from BAD to Holy.

Yes – their actions may be reproachable – but we are not our actions, says the Course – we are Spirit who has forgotten that we are made in God’s image, and believe that we are humans only.

Now I was reminded that I was caught in an illusion that I was unjustly treated – and I was reminded to see the family as Holy Children who had forgotten their origin – just as I.

One minute or so after I had said this silently, the woman raised her head and looked like she had been shaken awake. She rose, picked her her kicking toddler and went to the window, looking out at some of the most astonishing nature views in Norway. I rose too and took a place at the window next to her. She turned her head and smiled radiantly at me.

The dream this morning was about me refusing to believe my perception of a demanding God who roars You SHALL!!! Love Me The Most.

As I am resting in that now – I see how completely this belief in a demanding Old Testament-god has colored my life – and for sure, the subconscious of the western psyche. We are guilty and shameful and must be punished. And how would it feel to know, I ask myself, to know that our ACTS maybe horrible and sinful – but my true nature is not. I have just denied it and taken on the collective mind’s litany: we are sinners and must be punished.

In no way do I deny my nature who wants to win and be right above all – but today I have had yet another peek behind the curtain: I have done it all to my self, by  believing that this small separated self is who I truly am.

No. I am one with God, It is All Loving, and I am healing my perception.

Now dear readers, maybe only one of you have followed me all the way to this sentence – this blog is mainly a way to show myself how to awaken – to cherish the ways. And if it has just touched ONE being’s heart as helpful, I am very grateful

This video shows HULDRA – a wicked nymph who lives under earth in the wide plains and lures young men with them into the mountain – compare Peer Gynt and The Green One in Ibsen’s play. She also like to show up at a station on Flåmsbana and sing – as you can see in the video


A couple of days ago, I finished the book “ The White Hotel” by the English author D.M Thomas

The text in italics is from Wikipedia, about the book:

Set in 1919, the book’s first three movements consist of the erotic fantasies and case history of an imagined female patient of Sigmund Freud, Frau Anna G, a semi-successful opera singer referred to him for analysis[3] and treatment of chronic psychosomatic pains in her left breast and ovary. Freud attempts to identify some incident in her past that would explain these pains, and elicits from her a long erotic narrative – called “Don Giovanni”, because she had written it on this musical score – in verse and then prose. Freud draws inferences from the incidents described and discusses these with his patient, with Anna notably deducing that her father may have been unfaithful to her mother with her twin sister (Anna G’s aunt). Anna is an unreliable narrator, changing key details in the account of her life she offers Freud. Only late in the treatment does she reveal that she considers herself to have second sight. Freud does not consider the possibility that either her erotic journal or her pains might arise from an incident in not her past, but her future.

Following inconclusive treatment, Frau Anna G – revealed to be Elisabeth (Lisa) Erdman of Vienna – pursues a moderately successful musical career and marries a Russian Jewish opera singer, with whom she moves to Kiev in the 1920s. When he disappears in a Communist purge, she falls upon hard times and the third movement is set in 1941, when German troops capture Kiev. Lisa and her young son are ordered, along with the city’s Jews, to Babi Yar.

An other-worldly (“in Palestine or Purgatory”, according to the author) epilogue ends the narrative.

The descriptions from Babi Yar is by far the most heinous descriptions I have ever read. Afterwards, I felt indescribably bad/ill – and discovered, I am somehow addicted to this kind of descriptions in the papers. Why? I asked- yes, because it all happened to others – not me.

That meant that the wounded I could relax for a moment.

The knowing that part of my soul was addicted – part of me WANTED it –  made it possible to forgive myself for this creation – AND asking the Holy Spirit to remove the addiction from me. The release and relief  I felt still surges this bodymind.

I am well aware that I will be tested – “do you REALLY WANT TO BE FREE?” and some parts don’t – BUT I am the one who decides what I want to hold as important to keep. And this is not important to keep.

A bi-product of the morning’s revelation is curiously and wonderfully connected to my failure to digest milk and yogurt –milk as the first nourishment. I believe my soul has decided that because I am so evil, I can be effectively punished by denying myself consuming any milk-products.

I asked The Holy Spirit to correct this too. And felt the same release.

Now I will remember it HAS been healed – AND some parts of me can decide that I still need to be punished. I will be aware of that, and it doesn’t matter.

This may be an energy pattern like an ocean damper  -it has such momentum that it takes almost forever to turn from its trajectory.

But as a captain of my ship, the trajectory has been set, and follow it I will.

I sweat like crazy while writing this post.

The photo is taken by Pavel Neznanov, Unsplash free photos


I have had my life’s greatest epiphany – the insight of how a belief has created all my lives of torture and abuse and VICTIMHOOD.

In my book “When Fear Comes Home to Love” I describe my work of deciphering the main basis for the ego-thought system of fear. I found 10 archetypes that are present and very active in the mind of the Son of God = us all – they control and permeate our mind. They can do this BECAUSE of what we believe in – the possibility of a god that is fearful and punishing – and the belief that we deserve this.

And that it is mandatory.

30 years ago or more, I met a healer called Amorah Quan Yin , and had a telephone session with her. She showed me an earlier incarnation where I was a young apprentice of shamanism – just like Mickey Mouse in the Apprentice of a Sorcerer. Mickey wants POWER and fools with it – and his error is magnified and turned into thousand of waterbuckets that flood the premises. The errors I made in that incarnation, called on a powerful shaman who controlled me for evil purposes – and the hurt and pain I was forced to subject others to, were of such magnitude that I chose to kill myself.

That old memory in my mind – and in the One mind – has lingered, and because I repressed it and judged it I made it real.I think almost all my incarnations have wallowed in blood – and because of the humongous guilt I have chosen to be the victim again and again –

And it is all so silly!

ACIM states that everything we do, we do to our SELF – ourselves.

I have wanted to be RIGHT that I am a victim – and in this life I have truly done that – the abuse and the split in personalities I lived with – that I have named « The Jekyll and Hyde»- system – have «proven» itself to me to have dire consequences in the mind.

But only as long as I hide the choice: the choice to see myself as evil, needing to be punished ( the main belief in the human mind).

This all became clear to me this morning – the first corona-free National Day in Norway 😊 – where children again, after two years of restrictions, will be allowed to do parades and sing and wave flags.


The Truth is that I never really left Heaven and God – but I can make a humongous illusion that I did – and so step into incarnations where I truly seem to be separated – in wars and massacres.

And seen from «this place» – inside a body with other bodies – the beliefs of separation are very convincing – and I have to live after the rules down here.

Putin is an excellent image of this for me: I AM RIGHT and YOU ARE EVIL and I will obliterate you.

So the last 30 years or so I have believed that I would be met with demons when I leave the body/die – and I have tried with all my might to find ways to fix this. It led me to all kind of therapies and thank God, A Course in Miracles – and led me to see that I as Soul has chosen it all – to at last return to the Love that I am.

I just need to allow the Holy Spirit to undo the consequences of my wrong minded decisions😊

I now enjoy the images of what I DO desire when I leave the body – Jeshua smiling, arms outstretched, Mozart and Bach and Schubert are there for sure -Master Hilaryon –oh, did I manage to forget Beethoven?! and I think also, my «created» characters in my novel Hilaryon Stories.

And this tree – which I have baptized my Tree of Life  – tells me THIS is Who We are.

All of us.

No  exceptions

The Energy and Pattern of Force

Just before the last steep little hill before Home, she holds. The backpack is very heavy, since she told herself she had to fill it with lot of oat milk -since oat milk was essential for her happiness. So she is rather tail-heavy. -She needs to traverse a tiny bump – maybe 10 cm tall – before she can slide down 10 meters and then start to climb the short steep hill. A minor thing can have major consequences -and as she moves the right ski and places it on the bump, her balance is thrown off and she starts to slide backwards. Time slows to a halt, she knows she will fall, and it does not feel good – last time she fell, she broke a wrist.

There is a loud CRACK. Not much pain, though – but still –

She starts to cry heavily, unstoppable, manages to take her skies off and carries them in her hands.

At home, it does not feel so bad – but the following days, the right arm and right side of the chest start to feel deeply painful, and there is difficulty in exercising.

Way of Mastery is adamant: it is our way of thinking that creates everything. And this time, she realizes that the energy in the moment she decided to traverse the hill with skies on, was a situation of force , not respect, not time to feel into – just crash through the block before her.

And that lack of kindness and consideration created the crack.

This choice had a wide reaching consequences :a week later, there is deep pain on the right side at the tip of the lung, maybe in the liver too, the right arm feels like something has crushed inside it.

A whole night, sitting up in bed, being with this pattern of forcing herself, brings her to an epoch making memory: she sits at a table, maybe nine-ish, her father to the right, he is explaining something that has to do with numbers, and there is a strong demand of having to “get this” NOW!!!” or else –

Or else she is hopeless – and has NO value.

She freezes, and her father explodes – and she spaces out and makes a decision about herself: how stupid and unworthy she must be – clearly nothing in her is lovable – she is a false specimen – so THAT IS WHY she is constantly abused by men – something in her WANTS it to punish herself –

And now, sitting in bed at night, she cries a waterfall when she realizes that her father acts out the other side of the coin – the importance to make one’s child see the importance to understand things, be on the top, and crush one’s needs instantly –  in order to have a place in the family – one’s main role.

An unfathomable peace flows through her as she sees the terror in the father – and that his outburst has absolutely nothing to do with her.

She sees her TRUE father behind his mask – her best friend, a true soulmate.

Now the pains in the body are seen like the consequences of a whole life crushing her own needs – and the choice has been HERS all along. Use force and pressure to walk through life, minimize all needs, call yourself a hopeless wimp when you need time to feel safe.


In Hilaryon Stories, I have recognized all characters to be parts of me/my Soul. In Part 2 there is a foul weather and a staff with evil in it entering – and all the characters must deal with its influence. Thank God they do so with playful creative means. Without Johann Sebastian’s music ***and the marvelous joyous Croc and his loving interventions it would look very bad –and I remind myself that they are all parts of my soul, helping me meet and transform the dark stuff within

All that stuff has a shining shimmering joyful essence. To see my father now TRULY is erasing the past that I have made.

The false images crumble – dusty costumes fall off – light is the very essence of it all

Thank you so much for reading this through



When I sat down at the table at my daughters Saturday, there were heaps of presents. They were exquisitely wrapped, and I felt a sinking in the stomach. “This is over the top” an inner voice said. Every detail was prepared to perfection – but there was a sensation of deep desperation about it all.

The effect on me was nauseating.

For me, it is like this: if it feels good for both the giver and the receiver, the gift has true value. If not, there are underlying unconscious expectations:

I give to be seen as “loving” ( which I secretly “know”I am not.)

I give to feel safe ( “now I will not be attacked)

I give something to be loved and to feel valuable and good.

The more gifts, the more I show how much I love

I know my daughter as a radiant teacher of love, so this was gift to me on a higher level – it happened to show me something. And only late 24 hours later in the night today did I discover: – what we were caught in, was the archetype of CHILD, that I describe in When Fear Comes Home to Love.

A Course in Miracles describes it like this:

“T-16.VII.1. It is impossible to let the past go without relinquishing the special relationship. 2 For the special relationship is an attempt to re-enact the past and change it. 3 Imagined slights, remembered pain, past disappointments, perceived injustices and deprivations all enter into the special relationship, which becomes a way in which you seek to restore your wounded self-esteem. 4 What basis would you have for choosing a special partner without the past? 5 Every such choice is made because of something “evil” in the past to which you cling, and for which must someone else atone.”

CHILD is the part of the psyche that thinks itself inherently unworthy and loved in her essence: – you only GET love by following others’ expectations – a special relationship is based on the belief in separation. You adapt and perform and adjust – but in your essence, there is something inherently WRONG with you. You exist for others, period.

I started to explore the expectations CHILD may have behind giving gifts: to be loved, to feel safe, to be seen as nice and good and special in many ways. I became acutely aware that the horrible sensations and energies I have felt for two days now came from Child – and I recognized it as a soul gift from my beloved daughter.

For all that I have not accepted and owned as mine, I cannot embrace and forgive. And the gift in this presentation was to present a lot of presents that were over the top – both in wrapping and economy. The agony came from all that this Child in us has repressed: the need to be loved and held, valued just as s/he is – seen in her particular character and treasured just like s/he is.

Our World, as the Course teaches it, is the place where God’s One Child ( us all) play out the belief in separation – we have to DO something to EARN love.We deny the inherent value we all have as God’s child. We eat of the Tree of Good AND evil – and the soul does it to find the way to love ALL OF IT, recognizing that the “evil” springs from confusion, forgive and find the love in our heart that can house it all, and transform the energies. Jesus tells us that when I forgive a confused part of the small/separated mind, I have made it a bit easier to forgive – a bit more available to forgive for everybody – since there is only ONE MIND in reality.

And in reality, this (“my”) mind is one with God’s mind – all filled with Love. And since Love loves all things and allows us to play in all ways to experience the consequences of a separated mind, I can turn to Love now – the essence of what I am in truth – and own my choice for separation and all its consequences. Being there NOW, I can extend forgiveness to myself for the choice I made and choose again:


As this Love starts to permeate my creation, the agony melts and there is a deep knowing that my true value, given me by Love has never been disturbed.

And I can communicate this to my daughter from my soul to hers – and if necessary, I will find words to share with her eye to eye as well.

Some photos of this True Love that I have saved:

This is Anna – grandmother of Jesus . painted by Leonardo DaVinci.
A crushed bowl – mended with gold and love – helping me to see the value in the wound
This photo has followed me all my life – I sucked the forefinger too, and animals were safe
This is in my mind how Jesus would look if he were a cat

Everything is Possible

A miracle is happening for me.I have for months had a dispute with our largest Phone-communication company – ( which for me is a symbol for the highest LOVE.) They have sent me a new adapter and it just would not bring the connection. Something in me knew that this was going to be a great lesson – the sysmbols are about communication – and that it was helpful to know that the connection I deepest wanted, was the connection with LOVE/GOD/Source/whatever we call it.This morning, after AGAIN feeling unjustly treated by customer service – and being certain I was RIGHT about it – I watched the first video with Autumn and Prune Harris. – This is a series about how to align with the energy of Nature – now Autumn – and I was for the first time willing to ask inside what the theme was that held me back. I was immediately brought back to my very early decision to perceive myself as hated by God – because of the horrors happening to me. I was shown the choice of my soul before this incarnation – to experience a life in a body which would be the opposite of being protected – and then – in spite of it all – finding LOVE. The REAL thing.

In one huge crying fit I saw all the persons participating in the various abuse-versions as roles in the drama that I had written and produced and play the leading role in – decided on that level before physical incarnation. I had wanted to have such a life be lived through fully – explored fully – and then coming to the realization that my soul has written the script – because it wanted most of all to prove to itself that LOVE can heal it all – and most important, heal my own perceptions.

I have been working deeply with this theme the last 50 years – and today was a deep breakthrough in simplicity – it has all to do with MY CHOICE to believe that I am a victim as my identity.

I can see my parents and brother clearer now – the correction has been put in motion – I can feel it. I believe I will experience to be close to LOVE and God again – and be sure to forgive any signs from the outside to mirror unforgiven stuff from inside.I am in awe of the perfect orchestration and TIMING of it all – including Prune’s bout with Covid 19 and her request for us all to send love and light and balance to EVERYBODY who needed it – and her rapid recovery. Everything is possible.

May be an image of nature

In When Fear Comes Home to Love I wrote 49 examples of how God ( naming It BLUE in my book) intervened playfully when I needed it most.

Here is one such story:

A clairvoyant woman tells me that I have a wonderful big heart with potential for great transformation. “I doubt that” says my ego. I feel a strong impulse to visit a special book-store nearby, they have religious books and images, and I want paintings of Jesus and Mary, and hope to find some that are not sugary.

I don’t find any images that my heart loves. I find a small bowl of metal pins, and put my hand into the bowl and pick one. It says Leelah in red writing – and it shows an image of a little amorine who is shooting an arrow of love into Leelah’s heart.

The Jekyll and Hyde Syndrome

During my first 20 years I was raped and abused by my father – he did this when being in a Mr Hyde – state of mind. That had the curious effect that after the deed, both he and I  switched back int the “normal” Dr.Jekyll – state – and  no-one now knew what had happened.

A complete switch in consciousness, a split in the psyche  – it took me the first 38 years of my life to  open up  and find that split off / dissociated child.

My father’s Dr. Jekyll part I loved, and had a lot in common with – the love of literature, art, music , and playing silly word games. Some of the most beautiful memories involve my father and I in various situations of Silence and beauty.

After a lot of education and years in many sorts of therapy, I started my private practice as Expressive Arts Therapist and later became supervisor for students in the education.

After ten years of practice or so I started to recognize clear patterns of symptoms and behaviour in 99% of my patients – and from inner guidance I was helped to see that they were sent to me because I was supposed to explore the archetypes in the common psyche of this kind of soul sickness. When the work went deep and down and scary, I called intensely for help from the Divine and was answered in the most loving  and wise and tender ways – and I became aware that all this was meant to be chronicled in a book I was supposed to write.

As the work with my students developed and the 10 archetypes became clear, more patients showed up, always demonstrating the themes I most needed to understand- so we explored them through dance, music, painting, writing, storytelling etc – and there was a clear red thread through my patients’ work, that demonstrated that there was Something present through all the modalities and expressions – and that this Something  was holy and utterly dependable.

The synchronicities were over the top unavoidable to notice -and that helped us all realize that we were  moving through a dark landscape with a trusted Guide – and   where I now started to notice how the map could be made.

The map turned into the three books you find in the right menu:

When Fear Comes Home to Love – the Healing Gifts of Art, Play and Forgiveness

Case stories, autobiography, my own spiritual journey with guidance from Divinity and lots of synchronicities. A bonafide map for traversing these dark Jekyll and Hyde-landscapes.

“108 ways to turn crises into possibilities” are some of the most helpful and popular creative exercises that arose in the sessions – they are helpful for anyone being in a crisis.

The third book, Hilaryon Stories  is a novel – Hilaryon is a state of frequency that may look like a planet, where deep trauma and stories of loss play out among my beloved characters. Johan Sebastian Bach is one of them, and playfulness and white hares turn up to play big roles in my characters’ lives

When you click on the book covers you will get to my author page and may read reviews.


For the readers who are ready to bring healing and transformation to the dark psychic patterns they may carry, I offer Skype sessions called Transformation. You will get 15 free minutes on Skype where you can ask questions – and if the connection feel OK for both of us, we may set up a session.

For anyone with dissociation and fragmentation

I had quite a miracle happening to me this morning –
The last 40 years or so I have been haunted by what doctors have seen on x-rays as a malignant mass in the lungs on the right side – but not malignant enough to operate – since I still can breathe enough to live 🙂 I am a healer and teacher and artist and I have vowed to do my best to free my bodymind from the effects of grave sexual abuse from I was very small and until ca 20 years old. I know I have used a muscle panzer to prevent myself to breathe, since the breath would have put me in contact with memories that would have been devastating for my bodymind and sanity – before NOW.
This morning – I am 74 years old now -I at last had arrived at the point where that part of me who had made the decision to stop breathing, now was willing to LISTEN to me. And what has helped me immensely to come to this point, is the old teaching about the five Elements ( I am Earth.) I have a long running with Yoga in many forms – what had such a miraculous effect on me now was the whole thing coming together: the SOUNDS and the MOVEMENTS and the intent and the sacredness of it all.
As an artist and an expressive Arts Therapist, I teach the processes that has helped me the most – dancing/moving the energies while holding an intention, and a willingness to let go of control and ask for help from the Soul/Self instead. The 5-element process brought me back to what must have been many lifetimes practicing the old old structures – in a way that makes it all one cohesive surrender-love-dance.
My little girl understood that she had to accept what had happened in order to be able to let it go – I had at last succeeded breaching the abyss of isolation. It is my firm belief that it was the YOGI SOUNDS that opened the space for her to accept my presence – and for her lungs to start accepting air into them more fully.
So we breathed and sounded into that old isolated space, and suddenly the ice melted – and the most horrendous burning pain flowed through the right upper part of my body. I saw how immensely my muscles have worked in creating that panser – and how it hurt to let freedom into those muscles now. – I allowed and embraced the hurt, and suddenly it were gone.
And I feel present
How fortunate we are, we who live NOW and have decided to become free – then the right teachers pop up everywhere. Thank you Lauren and Donna and bless your work, I am so grateful

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Please note that nothing written here is intended as medical advice. Readers who think that they need help with a physical or psychological condition are advised to seek a qualified opinion.