The jumping-dream

I am standing on a high scaffolding – maybe 33 feet / 10 meter – and I am supposed to jump. It is a most auspicious and wonderful chance for me – and I jump with great joy and gratitude, as if this is something most holy to do – it is a ticket to Heaven. It is given me to heal my doubt and fear and trust that Love heals everything – and that miracles abound.

That means to me that it is my perception of a dangerous thing to do, that shall be healed – and so I jump with great abandon, as I know that angels with bring me down unharmed.

I repeat it several times – always jumping with the attitude that this is safe, if will end well, nothing to worry about.

I am just as frightened each new time I jump, and I still jump, and it always ends well.

Trust is the thing – notice that little male human there –

Hilaryon Stories

This is (the stitched) cover for my novel Hilaryon Stories. Hilaryon is a maybe made-up planet – or better, state of mind – where you among others will meet Johann Sebastian Bach, and his old friend Imhotep, here in the incarnation of the wise and lovely Croc. (With his wolf feet.:)

This book was “given” to me through 5 years of writing – I did not really know what it was turning out to be – but the most important parts may be hatred, and how we heal it – and the importance of using the arts in all its expressions to heal our wounds.I have never felt as light and happy as when I wrote this book. Lots of sacred silliness :)The characters all feel utterly alive inside me, including Master Hilaryon Himself -you may read about him here:

Just in case you’d be interesting 🙂

And of course you can buy the book by clicking the cover in the right menu

Heart Open

I like to play with writing upside-down – poems

Heart open
At last
Finding my home
Watching myself drift off,
I turn myself upside down
Tiny questions sprout from my toes
I tumble in waters of pink wonders,
sniffing curious creatures
making wondrous cake-smiles

Blissful beings

Making wondrous cake -smiles
sniffing curious creatures
I tumble in waters of pink wonders
Tiny questions sprout from my toes
I turn myself upside down
Watching myself drifting off,
Finding my home
At last
Heart Open

Being Nursed

I am blessed!
So very much!
That operation of the intestine has turned out to be a cornucopia of wonders delivered at my plate –

Now I have “got” a nurse “delivered” to me – she comes once a week for the time being – and it turns out that she asks questions that set me going in the best possible direction for my psyche, to at last be able to pour out what needs pouring out. The Universe has dished this up for me in the most perfect thinkable way possible. And she is the epitome of sweetness and intelligence, and a super listener and interventionist.

  • and once a week! FREE OF CHARGE!


True Autonomy and Intimacy

Hi everyone – this is Sandy Wilder, whom I call a friend. Just look at his face,people:)

I subscribe to his daily posts at Educare Unlearning Institute.

This day’s text goes:

True Autonomy and Intimacy

When you find
your authentic heart and voice
and devote to not repressing it,
you start to create the life you want.

My experience is that
we are invited to do this
over and over again,
in all our arenas
throughout life.
It is not one and done.

Sometimes we may take detours
and do what others think
is best for us.
Some of us have lived this way for so long
we have forgotten who we are.
We think we are here to not displease others.

This eventually leads to suffering
because it is not our honest path.
It is their path.
You can’t stay there
because your soul can’t breathe.
Your heart and body
will contract and suffocate.

Your relationships,
your career,
your purpose,
your priorities,
your self-awareness,
your clarity,
your languaging,
your use of time,
your hobbies,
your service,
your listening,
your play,
your rest,
keeps deepening and deepening
as you feel, integrate, and embody
fresh insights.

Through honest devotion,
humble opening,
and naked vulnerability,
you keep finding more
repressed emotions
from when you ignorantly lived
to stay safe and get love.
It was all you knew
in your parade of yesterdays.

But now,
you are learning to feel and release
your deficiency stories,
from the foundation
of your present, tangible,
ever-broadening Being,
that is calling you home
to true Autonomy and Intimacy.


Astonishingly , you are present

Like the imprint of a wispy cloud that was

Just here

Just now

This is a poem from 2019

I was that little old lady on a folding chair in town, with a cardboard sign at my feet, offering one minute eye contact


Young boys

7 of them

Black attired

leather jackets, spikes,

clogs, chains,

hair all black too –

Mohawks, long flowing raven wings

and the bald one with the scar over his left eye

large gloves like bear paws
black boots with steel heels

leather trousers with zippers

where you don’t expect to see them

grinning with white teeth

in a not so comforting way

And then the leader:

He is clad as a banana –

ankle length costume, a small opening to his

shining ivory face, the banana stem

as an antenna on the top of his head

Little old lady sitting on a folding chair

in the marketplace, offering one-minute


The banana prince

takes the chair across her,

mops and mows and

the gang closes in around them

The more he grimaces the

softer her heart feels

how could such an adorable kid

not be loved

No word said

only eye looking into eye


universe beyond universe


silent lakes

peaceful radiant waterfalls

after a month or so he gets up

and bows

they walk away in silence

there is space around him

like a yellow pupil in an eye

painted with kohl

Taking Flight

I wrote this almost one year ago, and want to place it here as a reminder to myself and anyone who might have lost the connection with our sacred Heart

The body is a strange machine
that acts from age old patterns in a mind
that are not necessarily my own, but borrowed
and manipulated by its own incessant need
to keep itself alive and working in the
same old ways that lulls it in into
patterns of a false security
that I and me are actually
separated from the you and yours
in much important ways – now breathe

And still I tend to think my mind is
very special and uniquely my own
while some of it may actually come from
the woman on the bus just recently
who in a very angry voice condemned
the human race of being selfish while she
herself were always tending to her nearests’ needs

and there I lost it, yes I did
and cannot find myself cause all ideas

are simply caught in fogs of helplessness

and fear of rest and presence, yes –
since most what happens here, that makes me
into someone who knows MORE than you
and boast about it, getting bits of almost peace
but not enough to breathe with lungs that
want to sing or scream or make of me

a spectacle of giggly joy

and maybe too, some kind of a butterfly that lands on someone’s nose and makes them
sneeze and smile and lift from earth
on wings they never knew they had
but now they yawn and smile and greet
each other as the old and sweetest siblings.

that they never knew they had

and here you are and there you are
and yes you smile
’cause there is simply nothing that is
more essential to the heart
than this

Credit: Samuel Austin on Unsplash

Christmas Greetings from Norway

-And really from Great Britain – this is one of the phenomenal cards from the Brit Jaqcuie Lawson

This has for me been a year with huge challenges, operation and healing since September

and first now do I feel that I am slowly returning to health

A lot richer in experiences

and a bit in patience too 🙂

May you all be happy

May you be peaceful

may we all be healed of whatever bugs us the most


Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all readers

May 2024 be the year we all have been waiting for –

Love from Leelah


Good morning all !

I just had a heavy hopelessness-experience. VERY heavy.

Heard: “Which station has the Leelah-train stopped on now?”


“Stay there a bit, sweetheart. Look at the landscape.”

Very tired weeping willow, like forgotten by God, Like that is possible!


I am sitting and watching and blessing it.

Slowly a small wind arrives – and mild quiet patient rain-

It will be OK, you know – needs a bit of care and love, sweetheart-“

( kind and low chuckling)

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