
In the 70ies I found the book A Course in Miracles in the shelf of a huge bookshop in town, and was instantly drawn to it, heart beating.

Many years later I wrote my book “ When Fear Comes Home to Love” as a spiritual/psychological self-biography – and I had  lots of fun noticing how the Divine set up myriads of strange encounters with so-called “darkness”  in its many variations, to help me dissolve the old thought system of fear that my psyche was engrossed in.

One very convincing was a time I lost my new and very expensive glasses in the wild waves at  Biscaya Bay – lots of strong and wild winds and waves there :)

Luckily I was a brand new student of A Course in Miracles, and at this stage the guides/masters/angels are showering the student with instant feedback and miracles ( I am not alone in this perception.)

After having screamed quite a lot  and run to the right and left on the beach, I remembered that I could wail OR practice the Course.

So I practiced and asked Holy Spirit to guide me

and then I found myself going to the left for the umpteenth time and then  3 steps right out into the water when it receded- and there  my glasses were cast in by a wave where I stood.

Photo by Kanenori

Chinese Haute de Couture – and Avalance


I am driving through China in a wretched old rattletrap, together with a master Seamstress of Haute de Couture and her little child, about 2 year old. The child speaks Norwegian, because she is a genius 😊. As always, these little children I dream of are miracles, like the Jesus-child.

I am not sure if the seamstress or a nameless chauffeur is driving.
We come to a place where there has been an avalanche, the road is broken. It seems to be since long ago.There is water there in the bottom of the ravine– green/clear brown water where one can see right through it to the bottom. The little child sees everything as a great adventure.
We get out and watch it.
I have two haute de couture dresses in the van, bought ( or probably given) from the genius-seamstress. I may have done her a favor, and the dresses are her thankyous. They are extremely beautiful and expensive. I can’t have bought them, but they belong to me. The color of one – both? light yellow-mustard mousseline, utterly feminine and delicate, Chinese/Indian-looking


I would love suggestion for dream meaning! What would this suggest, if it was YOUR dream? feel free to ruminate 🙂

(This is an unrestored Ford pickup truck in Eastern PA.)

Good Day

I drank a small glass of wine

and understood something for the first time

I laid down on the floor with my legs up the wall

The small pomeranian next door had at last got a voice

I wwnt out in the sun

and harvested 19 minipotatoes

Adobe stock, free images

Please note that nothing written here is intended as medical advice. Readers who think that they need help with a physical or psychological condition are advised to seek a qualified opinion.