
In the 70ies I found the book A Course in Miracles in the shelf of a huge bookshop in town, and was instantly drawn to it, heart beating.

Many years later I wrote my book “ When Fear Comes Home to Love” as a spiritual/psychological self-biography – and I had  lots of fun noticing how the Divine set up myriads of strange encounters with so-called “darkness”  in its many variations, to help me dissolve the old thought system of fear that my psyche was engrossed in.

One very convincing was a time I lost my new and very expensive glasses in the wild waves at  Biscaya Bay – lots of strong and wild winds and waves there :)

Luckily I was a brand new student of A Course in Miracles, and at this stage the guides/masters/angels are showering the student with instant feedback and miracles ( I am not alone in this perception.)

After having screamed quite a lot  and run to the right and left on the beach, I remembered that I could wail OR practice the Course.

So I practiced and asked Holy Spirit to guide me

and then I found myself going to the left for the umpteenth time and then  3 steps right out into the water when it receded- and there  my glasses were cast in by a wave where I stood.

Photo by Kanenori

Please note that nothing written here is intended as medical advice. Readers who think that they need help with a physical or psychological condition are advised to seek a qualified opinion.