The Monster fear

In a dream, a huge monstrous male figure approaches me. He is about 30 meters away – and the energy in the top of the thighs backside is tremendously painful and dark.

Still, I know in my heart that this is not cause for hiding in any way  – it is the collective human fear of LOVE – of melting into LOVE and losing our cherished “me-part” – or maybe clearer, becoming aware that the I-part is NOT our true identity.

I see this monster as our collective denied LOVE-part- and look at the monstrous form it takes. But what I am called to, is to find gratitude for its arrival – and for my insight that this is a true gift: here is my/ our/ deeply denied Holy Self – and it is inside this scary form.

I woke up, decided to accept and explore this shadow, and fell asleep again. This time I walked up a trafficked street in town, when a young and smiling man put his arm around me and pulled me to the side. He said: “I am just moving you away from that man there who wants to hurt you.”

My decision to not resist that huge shadow brought in loving assistance and care.


This quote is from Rilke, on of my favorite poets. It holds the essence of all my work as teacher, student,healer and therapist

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Barbara Rodgers
    Apr 12, 2021 @ 12:25:40

    The Rilke quote is profound. Sometimes I wonder about my spider nightmares… I’ve always supposed I’d go to my grave still terrified of them. I admire your ability to accept and explore shadows ~ what a gift!


    • leelah saachi
      Apr 12, 2021 @ 12:55:49

      Barbara, I have learned to believe it is a choice. And it became gradually easier during my therapist-job -I found myself guiding patients to trust, and I was helped by that too – that it is the fear about the fear that it the problem. I was personally helped by looking for the light in spider – and changing my stories and beliefs about it – she is sacred in the American Indian tradition


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