The storyteller is absent

When I exited the bus-station today, one begging person of the three was gone. She had left a big sheet of old cardboard with a very strong story was written: she had had a baby and her house was taken by a flood. One could give money in an empty coffee Styrofoam cup.
No begging “person” present there: just her story.
What an awesome metaphor of me letting go of this old pattern.

emergency room

Yesterday I was brought to the emergency-room at the Hospital to have my heart examined: I might have had a small infarct. There were endless examinations and questions and blood tests and x-rays and reports to be written, and in between I just waited in an emergency-room. Luckily I had brought a wonderful book with me – but still, I was feeling very bad. And not pain-wise – most of the pain had left – there was just something about that room, that situation.

It was very quiet there. Two other old people were being examined. No rush, all was calm.

I was released after 4 hours, my heart had not had an infarct. And still I felt more depressed that I had been for months.

After some hours in bed at night I woke up with a clear insight: I am not these depressed feelings. I realized that I had simply picked up the emergency-room’s energy – or gestalt, if you will – and identified with it.

The depression, panic and stress  immediately slid right off me. I am not this.

I am also not the thoughts of disaster, victim-hood and agony. I am not any story about “me and  my pain.”

Suddenly I noticed that I did not fear any of these old thoughts and stories any longer: I am not these stories. I am the Holy Son of God, and  can allow these thoughts to become unstuck and return to the emptiness they came from.


Leaving the buss-station,my path crosses 3 beggars in a short distance. They are from Rumania,and they beg the old European way: hands together in prayer position, and tormented expressions. I get the same feeling each time: a mixture of disgust/anger/hatred/guilt and pity. Yesterday I decided to ask Blue to see them as He does. Something heavy inside let go – and on my way to the first beggar I knew that I would recognize the Holy Son of God. I started to smile. I smiled at the young woman without seeing her as “beggar” at all – just  my  Holy Brother. She, being seen without her role, looked at me and smiled radiantly with no begging-energy whatsoever. And I realized that I had given her what she really wanted: I had seen her worth. A recognition had been made.

I see that I have been doing the same begging thing so often  – without the rags and bags. Don’t I go after others validation? Don’t I believe somehow that they can give me something I do not own? That it is possible to get it from “others?”

In the moment when we recognized our Spirit, there was a field of immense Grace and worth. And I knew that no amount of money could compare to the worth she had been given – and the lesson  I had experienced.

When I smiled at her on my way back, it felt like we had always been the best of friends. And again Grace was present.

T-18.I.10. In you there is no separation, and no substitute can keep you from your brother. 2 Your reality was God’s creation, and has no substitute. 3 You are so firmly joined in truth that only God is there. 4 And He would never accept something else instead of you. 5 He loves you both, equally and as one. 6 And as He loves you, so you are. 7 You are not joined together in illusions, but in the Thought so holy and so perfect that illusions cannot remain to darken the holy place in which you stand together. 8 God is with you, my brother. 9 Let us join in Him in peace and gratitude, and accept His gift as our most holy and perfect reality, which we share in Him.

T-18.I.11. Heaven is restored to all the Sonship through your relationship, for in it lies the Sonship, whole and beautiful, safe in your love. 2 Heaven has entered quietly, for all illusions have been gently brought unto the truth in you, and love has shined upon you, blessing your relationship with truth. 3 God and His whole creation have entered it together. 4 How lovely and how holy is your relationship, with the truth shining upon it! 5 Heaven beholds it, and rejoices that you have let it come to you. 6 And God Himself is glad that your relationship is as it was created. 7 The universe within you stands with you, together with your brother. 8 And Heaven looks with love on what is joined in it, along with its Creator.

Please note that nothing written here is intended as medical advice. Readers who think that they need help with a physical or psychological condition are advised to seek a qualified opinion.