Sharing Joy

This came to my message box on an author forum today where “When fear comes home to Love” is posted to read for other writers:

Hello Leelah,
I have read several chapters at random to get an idea of your writing and story. I am familiar with the Course in Miracles as several people I know have been involved.
After more reading, I will write a formal comment. All I can say at this time is this is the most fully encompassing work I have ever read and is written with such caring and that it cannot be separated from your heart. Love, understood as it must eventually be by consciousness is the thread of which your book is woven. I have already just given all stars to it and I will ask my daughter if she will read and evaluate it also. She may have room on her shelf.
George McLendon

Tears are coming and they don’t seem to stop

What a cleanse this is for me

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