This morning at last it all became clear to me:

all the horrors and nightmares in my mind lately are not real – not reaction to something happening NOW – these are the little child’s memory tape playing in my mind – in the ONE mind of us all:)

and I welcome it with open arms – it is a miracle of healing!

These are the memory imprints from the terrorized little child – by a miracle did I this morning GET that these are psychic imprints, playing up – the child is showing me it all

psychic imprints are NOT reality NOW

It is a true joy and ecstasy to be WITH it all

it is over with!!

It is highly probable that these memories come from all her life – from birth on

and these are also collective imprints from the One Mind we all share

So my lovely job now is to KNOW that these feelings and imprints are baby/child-memories / imprints from probably all her/my/ life – I have seen that the abuse started that early

As soon as I realize this, my whole stomach and lower body feels sore and heavy – and there is a tingling with it, as the old imprints are lifting off, and there is rejoicing in the air 🙂

And the lovely thing is, that the more imprints and memories that wells up now inside, the better – it is WELCOMED ♥ there is no more NO NO NO – attached to it

It is just an old tape being played – with full orchestration of the nervous system 🙂

On the illustration on the book “When Fear Comes Home to Love” in the right menu, you can see the Child stretching her arms toward the Snake – this is the moment where the Snake stings her and she takes it all inside her bodymind –

and NOW is the time when all of it is at last REALIZED and fully experienced

now released

All the old feelings of “NONONONO I will get mad” are allowed too – just flowing out, unhindered

Deep tenderness flows in

I am 79 years old♥

Here is the magical awesome painting that flowed from me/ through me during my education in Switzerland – (to become an Expressive Arts Therapist -) and that later became a book:

When Fear Comes Home to Love

the copyright symbol insists on being this big

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. freedwriting
    May 26, 2024 @ 11:16:53

    ”It is just an old tape being played – with full orchestration of the nervous system 🙂”



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